
3rd Scandinavian Conference on SYSTEM & SOFTWARE SAFETY

Dates: March 24-25, 2015
Place: KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Early bird deadline: February 16, 2015
Register deadline: March 11, 2015

This year's conference on safety critical system and software is a central meeting place for Scandinavian safety experts from different industries. It is an opportunity to share experiences and make new contacts. There will be an overview day followed by a day of parallel sessions with in depth presentations and discussions about different challenges, techniques, standards and methods.


             All the presentations are avalable below:


Preliminary Technical Program:

DAY 1 - Tuesday  March 24, 2015

Time  Plenary
0930-0935  Conference introduction, Nicolas Martin-Vivaldi, Addalot and Martin Törngren, KTH/ICES               
0935-1010  Reducing the cost of Defensive Code – the Ada 2012 approach, Quentin Ochem, AdaCore
1010-1045  Working goal based with IEC 61508-3, Tor Stålhane, NTNU
1045-1100  Break
1100-1135  Is Open Source Safe and Secure?, Pehr Burenius; BlackDuck
1135-1210  On developing, sustaining and evolving a safety culture, Örjan Askerdal, Knowit
1210-1310  Lunch
1310-1315  Swedsoft’s new mission and activities, Jonas Wallberg, Teknikföretagen
1315-1415  Keynote: A Case Study of Toyota Unintended Acceleration, Prof. Phil Koopman, CMU 
1415-1450  Emerging methods for safety assessment of software, Kristina Forsberg, SAAB
1450-1525  An approach to a modern functional safety design, Peter Hoogenboom, Green Hills Software
1525-1545  Break
1545-1620  How to increase efficiency with the certification of process compliance, Barbara Gallina, MDH
1620-1655  Safe Program Execution with Diversified Encoding, Martin Süßkraut, SIListra Systems GmbH 
1655-1730  Will your safety case pass an ISO 26262 assessment?, Ola Örsmark, Comentor



DAY 2 - Wednesday March 25, 2015


Time Workshops
0800-0830             Registration and Coffee
0830-1200             Morning Workshops
Workshop 1: Analysis methods Workshop 2: Safety and security Wokshop 3:
Education and culture
Workshop 4:
Autonomous system safety


1200-1300              Lunch
1300-1700              Afternoon Workshops

Workshop 5:
Certification and assessment

Workshop 6: Design, code and test

Workshop 7: Agility and safety


It is possible to influence the content of a workshop. If you want to contribute with a short presentation or question, please contact