
9th Scandinavian Conference on SYSTEM & SOFTWARE SAFETY

Dates: November 23-24, 2021
Place: Lindholmspiren, Göteborg, Sweden
Register deadline: November 15, 2021

The conference on system and software safety is a central meeting place for Scandinavian safety experts from different industries. It is an opportunity to share experiences and make new contacts. There will be an overview day followed by a day of parallel sessions with in depth presentations and discussions about different challenges, techniques, standards and methods.

DAY 1 - Tuesday November 23, 2021

Time Speaker  
0830-0900 Coffee and mingle  
0900-0915 Conference introduction, Nicolas Martin-Vivaldi, Addalot and Fredrik Asplund, KTH/ICES                 
0915-1015 Keynote: BOEING 737 MAX, Sven E Hamarberg, BVR  
1015-1035  Break

AMLAS: Assurance of Machine Learning in Autonomous Systems, Dr Richard Hawkins, Assuring Autonomy International Programme


Agile and Functional Saefty, Johan Bergström and Sofie Weidenlöv, Agreat

1135-1205 Scaled Agile for Safety Critical Systems, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer, Chalmers  
1205-1300 Lunch
1300-1400 Keynote: Safety, complexity, AI and automated driving - holisitc perspectives on safety assurance, Simon Burton, Fraunhofer  
1400-1430 Safety process for different legislation, Per Johannessen, Volvo Group  
1430-1500 Break
1500-1530 Bridging the gap between functional safety and software development for safety critical systems, Mattias Lindgren, Combitech  
1530-1600 Safety argumentation of autonomous drive system, Ali Nouri, Volvo Cars  
1600-1630 BOAUT project, Marine assurance, Johan Holmqvist, Carmenta  
1800 Dinner   


DAY 2 - Wednesday November 24, 2021

Time Workshops
0815-0830 Day 2 introduction

Keynote: Fredrik Törner, Volvo Cars: The Automotive Safety Confusion – What’s the fuzz with Functional Safety, SOTIF and Positive Risk Balance?

0930-1230 Morning Workshops
Workshop 1:

Automated driving level 3 and 4 – How to argue safety and what counts as evidence?
Fredrik Sandblom, Volvo 

The challenge of putting self-driving vehicles on the roads is enormous. Automation affects everyone and the potential social benefits are huge, partly through increased traffic safety, but also increased efficiency and transportation availability. Automated driving level 3-4 safety is very different to showing that automated driving level 1-2 is safe. We intend for this workshop to be a facilitator for discussion and new perspectives on the matter. Depending on interests and desire, we will discuss these in smaller teams in a way that we hope brings us new insights, findings, and perspective.

Workshop 2:

MBRASA Safety Analysis,

Joakim Fröberg, SafetyIntegrity

Current functional safety standards (e.g., ISO26262), focus on single vehicles, machines etc. The new challenge is to conduct risk assessments to encompass multiple vehicles or machines where parts of the end-to-end function reside in the edge and where communication is done wirelessly. The MBRASA project will provide a workshop on safety analyses for systems-of-systems in relation to industrial best practice

1230-1300 Lunch
1330-1630 Afternoon Workshops
Workshop 3:

Safety for Testing Autonomous Vehicles at Existing Proving Grounds,

Erik Frick - AstaZero, Johan Degerman -SafeRadar, Marvin Damschen, Anders Thorsén - RISE, Arvid Pearson - Volvo Cars

Proving ground facilities around the world face a new challenge: how to include testing of autonomous driving (AD) vehicles into their normal testing practices. Today, the core component that keeps testing safe is a skilled, trained and experienced human test driver. However, many future self-driving vehicles will literally not have room to fit a human test driver.

This workshop will focus on the monitoring of proving grounds to enable safe testing of manually and autonomously driven vehicles. We will present results from the ongoing Vinnova project ETAVEP gathered on the AstaZero and Hällered proving grounds.

The workshop will be divided in sub-topics: Vehicle Test Requirements, Safety Zone, Global and Local Monitoring. Workshop participants can try out the Safety Zone concept in hands-on exercises and have a look at the ETAVEP vehicle prototype.

Workshop 4:

Safety Cultures in Automotive,

Daniel Skarin, Per JohannessenVolvo Group

Safety Cultures are important to ensure safety at the same time as it is less tangible. This workshop will dive into how safety cultures for different roles affect operational safety. Roles includes product developers, line managers, project managers, drivers, operators and other users such as traffic participants. We will primarily cover road vehicles, both off and on road, at the same time as we invite other domains to contribute. The specific purpose to address after understanding different safety cultures is to see how safety cultures can be improved for the different roles.