
8th Scandinavian Conference on SYSTEM & SOFTWARE SAFETY

Dates: November 24-27, 2020
Place: Online Edition
Register deadline: November 20, 2020

The conference on system and software safety is a central meeting place for Scandinavian safety experts from different industries. It is an opportunity to share experiences and make new contacts. There will be an overview day followed by a day of parallel sessions with in depth presentations and discussions about different challenges, techniques, standards and methods.

DAY 1 - Tuesday November 24, 2020

Time Speaker Recording
0900-0915 Conference introduction, Nicolas Martin-Vivaldi, Addalot and Fredrik Asplund, KTH/ICES                 
0915-1015 Keynote: Holistic safety approach for autonomous on-road freight vehicles, PärDegerman, CTO, Einride Link
1015-1045 Lessons learned from Bronnoy Kalkpilot, Per Johannessen, Volvo  -
1045-1100  Break

Toward fully integrated vehicle systems and generic open architectures, Mirko Jakovljevic, TTTech


Experiences from working with ISO 26262 as a supplier, Johan Trollås, BorgWarner



DAY 2 - Wednesday November 25, 2020

Time Speaker Recording
0900-0915 Introducing Scandinavian Systems and Software Conference 2021, Magnus Granström SAFER  -
0915-1015 Keynote: Sue me! Legal responsibility for highly autonomous systems, Gregor Noll,  Göteborg Universitet  Link
1015-1045 Experiences in Deploying Model-Based Testing in Safety-Critical Systems, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Mälardalen University  Link
1045-1100  Break
1100-1130 Developments in integrity of GNSS services and its impact on Autonomous Vehicle safety, Samieh Alissa, Lantmäteriet  -
1130-1200 Complex Performance Analysis of Autoencoder-Based Approaches for Anomaly Detection in Driving Scenario Images, Vasilii Mosin, Volvo Cars/GU  Link
1200-1230 Safety of truck mounted machinery in an autonomous context, Tahir N. Qureshi, KTH



DAY 3 - Thursday November 26, 2020

Time Workshops
0845-0900 Some intro
0900-1100 Morning Workshops
Workshop 1:
Toward fully integrated vehicle systems and generic open architectures,
Mirko Jakovljevic, TTTech
The workshop will discuss “platform-as-a-system” perspective and steps required for a sustainable, scalable and reusable integrated platform. The focus is on computing models, software, hardware component capabilities and design/system integration/certification,  to define a mixed time-criticality platform. In the scope of the workshop we will exchange and brainstorm on specific issues, and discuss ongoing ecosystem developments.
Workshop 2:
Model-Based Testing for Control Software
Eduard Paul Enoiu, MDH
CompleteTestis a tool for automatic test generation based on design models written in the IEC 61131-3 language using coverage-based and mutation-based testing. This tutorial will present the CompleteTesttool, the modelling language and the test generation concepts. Learn how automated test generation supports test design and execution, and hear about experiences of deploying these techniques in the Swedish industry.
1400-1600 Afternoon Workshops
Workshop 3:
The Effect of AR on Human Failures, 
SoheilaSheikh Bahaei and Barbara Gallina, MDH
Socio-technical systems are systems including socio entities, such as humans, and technical entities, such as augmented reality (AR). AR technology introduces new types of dependability threats. The CHESS toolset supports modelling and analysis for risk assessment of (socio-technical) complex systems. This workshop uses the world café format to delve into the challenges of AR technology and 
Workshop 4:
Overcoming 26262 barriers
Rajiv Bongirwar, HEMRAJ & Johan Trollås, BW
The standard poses many barriers for the Industry to overcome to design, develop and manufacture compliant vehicles. We address key aspects for adopting the standard and leverage its compliance to deliver safe, compliant and reliable vehicles to customer that will save human lives and be less prone to failures. We will use a world cafe format. For preparation see 


DAY 4 - Friday November 27, 2020

Time Workshops
0845-0900 Registration and Coffee
0900-1100 Morning Workshops
Workshop 5:
Agile Safety
Nicolas Martin-Vivaldi, Addalot
Interactive workshop where the challenges with combining Safety and Agile methods will be discussed. We will look at how we can work agile and still satisfy the standards requirements on sufficient documentation, traceability, formal reviews and the inherit waterfall assumptions. We will discuss different aspects of the standard, and analyze what we need to do up front, what we can do in each iteration
Workshop 6:
Functional safety for mobile machines, 
Tahir Naseer Qureshi, KTH
Electrification and autonomous operations can lead to a sustainable transport system. A large-scale adoption of such solutions is hindered by several factors. With focus on the issues related to the design and safety standards, the workshop will facilitate the sharing of views on required changes and the associated necessary evolution. A fishbowl method will be used to enable maximum engagement from all the participants.