Workshop 3:
Users, HMI and Safety,
Christin Lindholm, LTH Patrik Moberg, Siemens Digital Factory Division
- Medical devices and other industrial system are becoming more sophisticated, contain more software and are used by new and different user groups –often with limited training or infrequent users. A major challenge is to assure safety and prevent harm, and by involving users in the risk management process, we can lower the risk of errors. In this workshop we will discuss challenges and experiences from safety work in this kind of systems.
Workshop 4:
Safety assurance and managing risk in automated driving,
Martin Törngren and Sofia Cassel, ARCHER FFI project,
Consider our system fails. How can we prove our case and show that we did what we could? What evidence and artefacts do we present? How do we evaluate them?
In the workshop, perspectives to safety assurance will be provided and we will be organizing a world-café to discuss challenges and promising approaches to deal with them.
Full day training:
2. Ontological Hazard Analysis (OHA). Applying OHA using OPRA, followed by a system description provided for participants to apply OHA.
3. Risk Analysis. Use of event trees to delineate possible outcomes of hazards; evaluate of likelihood and severity and their combination.
Written course materials will be provided.
The training is based partly on examples in the draft book, Digital System Safety.
Causalis Ingenieurgesellschaft will issue a certificate of successful completion for participants