
7th Scandinavian Conference on SYSTEM & SOFTWARE SAFETY

Dates: October 22-23, 2019
Place: Spårvagnshallarna, Stockholm, Sweden
Register deadline: October 15, 2019

The conference on system and software safety is a central meeting place for Scandinavian safety experts from different industries. It is an opportunity to share experiences and make new contacts. There will be an overview day followed by a day of parallel sessions with in depth presentations and discussions about different challenges, techniques, standards and methods.

DAY 1 - Tuesday October 22, 2019

Time Plenary
0830-0900 Registration and coffee
0900-0915 Conference introduction, Nicolas Martin-Vivaldi, Addalot and Martin Törngren, KTH/ICES               
0915-1015 Keynote: System lifecycle operational goverance, Nick McDonald, Trinity Collage, Dublin
1015-1040  Break

Virtual Verification for Autonomous Vehicles, Martin Törngren, KTH/ICES               

1120-1200 Safety cage: an approach for safe learning machine systems. Sankar Raman Sathyamorrtthy, QRTECH
1200-1300  Lunch
1300-1400 Keynote: System safety principles from 1999, challenges for 2019? Dr David Pumpfrey, University of York
1400-1435 Conflict as safety level diversify, Fredrik Asplund,KTH
1435-1500  Break
15001540 Safety management - practice and compliance in safety critical product development and service production, Pernilla Ulfvegren, KTH
1540-1620 The challenges for today's functional safety engineer - A view based on railway, automotive and machinery industries, Yin Chen, Combitech


DAY 2 - Wednesday October 23, 2019

Time Workshops
0800-0830 Registration and Coffee
0830-1200 Morning Workshops

Workshop 1: 
Design of dependable systems –fundamentals of Aircraft safety
Kristina Forsberg and HåkanForsberg, SAAB and MDH
We address requirements and responsibilities in the aviation industry, e.g. EASA certification specifications CS25.1309 and acceptable means of compliance AMC 25.1309 for large airplanes.  Who is responsible to assess  that correct level of safety is achieved? 
Both process and design assurance are  addressed.
The workshop will discuss the reported unsafe condition of Boeing 737 MAX.


Workshop 2: 
System lifecycle operational governance
Nick McDonald, Fredrik Asplund, Pernilla Ulfvengren. What principles should inform system lifecycle governance? Theory often defines problems as insoluble; yet, pragmatic solutions are needed. A discussion will be structured around five interlinked challenges:

1. Understanding system performance
2. The reliability of change
3. Management of operational risk 
4. Design for operations
5. Governance based on evidence

Underlying each is are contradictions to be overcome through the collective experience of the participants

Workshop 3:
ISO 26262 - Overview and challenges.

Even-André Karlsson, Addalot
In this tutorial/ workshop we will give an overview of ISO 26262 with some practical experiences. The workshop will be interactive, where we expect the participants to bring their experience and challenges for discussion.



1200-1300 Lunch
1300-1700 Afternoon Workshops

Workshop 4:  
System safety principles from 1999; challenges for 2019?
David Pumfrey, Martin Törngren, Stefan Norrwing 
In this workshop we will discuss in more detail David’s 9 principles and 2 new analysis methods. We will describe how they have been used, and also discuss their applicability for new challenges that more complex systems face, e.g. autonomy, AI, connected systems, and systems of systems. The workshop will be interactive involving participants to share experience and challenges.

Workshop 5: 

Indeep presentations



Workshop 6: 

Automotive SPICE, Overview and challenges 
Nicolas Martin Vivaldi, Addalot
In this tutorial/ workshop we will give an overview of Automotive SPICE with practical experiences. The workshop will be interactive, where we expect participants to bring their experience and challenges for discussion.